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Welcome to Beth Chaverim:                Our House of Friends!


We are Building a House of Friends, One Family at a Time, By Creating a Welcoming Jewish Home for a Diverse Community.


Beth Chaverim means “House of Friends” in Hebrew.  That is what you will find at Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation.  We are a welcoming community, connecting with one another and centuries of Jewish tradition.  We are filled with energy, warmth and spiritual meaning.  We celebrate our diversity – we are young families, seniors, singles, teens, empty nesters, interfaith families, same sex couples, Jews by birth and Jews by choice.

We are more than a congregation – we’re a family, a community and friends.

Look around our website and see what we have to offer. Then join us for a relaxed, welcoming Erev Shabbat service, a Tot Shabbat, or our special Jammin’ Shabbat service.  Join an adult learning class and bring your elementary school age children to our junior youth group events. Come light the Chanukah menorah at our Chanukah service,  munch on hamentashen at our Purim shpiel, and celebrate freedom at our community Passover Seder.  Find your place in our community.

There is a place for you at Beth Chaverim.

Sprint 1 - Let's Build a Bimah!

We told you about our Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project, now already underway thanks to the concerted efforts of a group of Leaders' Circle donors. We are now starting our first 'Sprint', (a dedicated drive for a specific aspect of the project): To keep he project on track, we need to raise $35,000 by the High Holy Days to build our new permanent bemah. Here is our latest progress thermometer. While we are making good progress, the only way we will meet our target is if we have 100% participation.  Please click here and give now by selecting donate to Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project. All gifts will be appreciated no matter how large or small.

Rabbi's Corner

Rabbi's Corner will be on hiatus during Rabbi Amy's sabbatical this summer. You may continue to read previous posts here.



We continue to pray for the safety of Israel, its defense forces, and all innocent people in the region who are in harm’s way and for the speedy, safe return of those who have been captured.

The Jewish Federation has created an Israel Crisis Relief Fund to provide critical support for relief efforts as this crisis unfolds: CLICK HERE

Another way to donate in order to get funds most directly to the front lines:

From the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: How you can support Israel now. Click HERE .

Congregant Carly Schrager's Israel trip leader recommended the Israel Under Fire - Emergency Campaign, dedicated to providing safe housing for families evacuated from the Gaza area.  

One of the most effective ways to help is to support the impacted communities directly. If you wish to donate to communities impacted by the October 7th attack, here are several links for direct donations to a number of Kibbutzim, and a general link to The Kibbutz Movement Rehabilitation fund.

Congregant Marc Nodell had an opinion piece published as a guest contributor to Washington Jewish Week. If interested in Moral Confusion: The Gaza Cease-fire Resolutions, please visit this link.

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784