Board Greeter Responsibilities
Board Greeter Responsibilities
Before the Service:
- Please arrive at the Temple no later than 6:30 pm. Pick up a walkie-talkie from either the Security Guard or the Admin.
- Check to see that our Admin has placed:
- two Shabbat candles in their drip tray with matches on the Torah reading table that's on the bema
- a challah covered with one of our challah covers on a plate on the center table in the Social Hall
- 2 kiddush cups with a small amount of wine on the center table in the Social Hall beside the challah
- the tray labeled with “Wine/Water/Juice” on the center table beside the challah with 1-ounce cups of wine/water/juice in the correct sections
- any oneg items from the Temple stock on the center table across from the challah and kiddush items, with plates and napkins as needed.
- If the Admin has indicated that they will be unavailable to do this, please plan on arriving earlier in order to complete this setup before 6:30pm.
- If the Admin is not available to do so, please use the instructions on the Audio Cabinet to turn on the Sound System
- If there is a helper family, help them set out the Oneg. Help them with napkins, paper-ware, cups, etc., from the kitchen.
- Greet people as they arrive.
- Introduce yourself to new faces.
- For Friday night services where a bar/t mitzvah is participating, place the covered challah on one of the shelves under the Torah reading table that is on the bema and place 3 kiddush cups filled with small amounts of wine on the side table that is by the bema. (This is because the bar/t mitzvah will lead us in the kiddush from the bema. The small plastic cups of wine, juice and water for the congregation should still be set up and ready on the center table in the Social Hall for after the service).
During the Service:
- During the service, the board greeter should be attentive to any signals from the rabbi, soloist, or security guard for any reason: we need a cup of water, or the guard doesn't know whether to let someone in and needs confirmation, or there's a health issue, etc.
- When called by Rabbi Amy, near the end of the service, read announcements. Currently we are using the latest eBlast as the source of announcements - pull it up and read or paraphrase the relevant items.
After the Service:
- After the Oneg, work with the helper families to do a light clean-up of the Oneg area. If needed, sweep up any crumbs. The cleaning crew will come in later for a full cleaning and will take the trash out.
- Ensure Shabbat Candles are extinguished & dispose of aluminum drip catchers after the candle wax has cooled and solidified. Remove any excess wax from candle sticks.
- Clean challah plate (water only, no soap), shake out challah cover over trash if needed.
- Empty and clean Kiddush cups with soap and water.
- Return candlesticks, challah plate & cover, Kiddush cup, and wine to kitchen shelf labeled “Ritual Items”This is very important because if Saturday services are being held the greeter will need to know where to find these items to set out.
- Help helper families to return oneg setup items to kitchen.
- Be prepared to be the last person in the building to lock up on occasion though typically our security guard will do this. If you are the last person in the building:
- Make sure all doors are locked, including the back door by the kitchen, side door at far end of the lobby, and front doors.
- Turn off all lights, including the bathrooms.
For Saturday B'nai Mitzvah Services:
- Ensure that there is a challah on the bema and 3 Kiddush cups with wine on the small table to the Rabbi’s right.
- At the beginning of service Rabbi Amy will ask you to inform our guests of the ‘rules’ we follow to maintain a proper worship environment. Provide the following rules in a short talk welcoming our guests.
- During the Torah service, while the Torah is being paraded, your assistance may be needed in handing out Chumishim (Torah commentary). Watch for this.
- When called upon at end of service, provide the gift bag and describe the contents and who provided each one. See the list of gifts.
- Read the Announcements and wish the B’Nei Mitzvah a “mazel tov”!
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Sh'vat 5785
Join us for Services
We welcome anyone looking for a place to worship. In order to attend our weekly Shabbat Service, Guests must submit a Visitor Form prior to attending.
Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project
BCRC has launched the Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project, a new fundraising project to take the next step in implementing the BCRC Master Plan. Work is now complete on the first phase, with the construction of our new movable wall between the sanctuary/social hall. We are now working on designing and building a beautiful new carved wooden ark and a new permanent bimah! Click here to read full details. To donate to this project click here and select donate to Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project.
GMU Commended by JCRC
Recent antisemitic threats uncovered by security personnel at George Mason University illustrate how difficult and scary life still is for many Jewish college students. Fortunately, GMU administrators took strong steps to address these developments. The Jewish Community Resource Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington put out this statement commending GMU for their commitment to and compassion for Jewish members of their community.
Upcoming events
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
B'nei Mitzvah - Brian Zuckerman : 10:00am |
Tomorrow's Calendar
: 9:00am |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat B'shalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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Women of BCRC Featured in Washington Jewish Week
Tuesday, Jan 7 8:59am'Jewish Loudoun Reads' Inaugural Event at BCRC
Sunday, Dec 22 7:50amLoudoun Interfaith Thanksgiving
Saturday, Nov 30 11:32am
Contact Us!
Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation
21740 Beaumeade Circle, Suite 100
Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 729-1659