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Women of BCRC Featured in Washington Jewish Week

01/07/2025 08:58:52 AM


Seth Leventhal

Washington Jewish Week recently featured our very own Women of BCRC in an article about their pop-up Chanukah shop. Many of you have purchased candles (most popular item), menorahs (including that electric menorah useful in college dorms), dreidels and Judaica from this pop-up. It was very successful and also helped to greatly reduce the excess of items in our storage room. Click here to read the article.


'Jewish Loudoun Reads' Inaugural Event at BCRC

12/22/2024 07:49:59 AM


Seth Leventhal

We were pleased to host (via Zoom) author and scholar Ruth Wisse, the Martin Peretz Professor Emeritus of Yiddish and Comparative Literature at Harvard University, for the inaugural 'Jewish Loudoun Reads' book club event. This event was also part of the Women of BCRC Book...Read more...

Loudoun Interfaith Thanksgiving

11/30/2024 11:31:43 AM


Seth Leventhal

The interfaith community gathered again on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to celebrate the spirit of thankfulness & the blessings of unity. Thanks to the Loudoun Interfaith Clergy Group for organizing and all the BCRC members who contributed and those who helped at the event. We assembled 200 winter care packages for Mobile Hope, an organization that provides support for at risk local youth. Here is a picture of the clergy...Read more...

Democratic Candidates' Forum

06/04/2024 08:44:12 AM


Seth Leventhal

On Wednesday, May 29, BCRC, in partnership with Congregation Sha'are Shalom and the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), presented a candidates' forum at BCRC. Nine of the twelve candidates who are on the ballot in the 10th Congressional District Democratic primary attended and held a vigorous discussion of issues ranging from antisemitism in schools and colleges, the war against Hamas, reproductive rights, how to break...Read more...

Commentary on War from URJ VP

12/25/2023 08:56:46 AM


Rabbi Josh Weinberg

As the Israel-Gaza war continues, we will offer for your information commentary from various parties reflecting their personal perspectives. This week's commentary is from Rabbi Josh Weinberg, the Vice President of the URJ for Israel and Reform Zionism and is the Executive Director of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America. 

By Rabbi Josh...

Rabbi Amy's Remarks from Prayer Vigil

10/25/2023 09:29:48 AM


Rabbi Amy delivered remarks at a Prayer Vigil for the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023, at Murray Hill, Leesburg. Sixteen BCRC members were in attendance, which was very much appreciated. Click here to read the full statement.


Sukkot at BCRC

10/07/2023 08:05:03 AM


Seth Leventhal

BCRC celebrated Sukkot by building and decorating a sukkah, holding Tot Shabbat in the sukkah, as well as the Sisters in the Sukkah event benefitting the domestic violence and sexual assault services of LAWS, We also celebrated in Sonja and Rabbi Amy's sukkah with a series...Read more...

BCRC Community Picnic

09/11/2023 07:44:06 AM


Seth Leventhal

Great fun was had by all at the 2023 BCRC community picnic! Despite predictions of stormy weather, the storms held off and we had a fun afternoon filled with kids' games, socializing with old friends and new, and delicious burgers and hot dogs grilled by our Brotherhood. Click here for a full album of photos (must be logged in for security).


Jewish American Heritage Month Proclamation

05/08/2023 08:51:36 AM


Seth Leventhal

On Tuesday, May 2 the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved a proclamation declaring May to be Jewish American Heritage Month. BCRC was invited to send representatives to receive the proclamation. Rabbi Amy and Zachary Schneider of BCRC said a few words at the ceremony. You can see a full album of photos from this event on our photo albums page.


First Annual Northern VA Night of Lights

12/21/2022 01:13:03 PM


Seth Leventhal

It's amazing what can happen when a community proudly comes together to add more light to the world! On Sunday Dec 18 our community proudly came together to add more light to the world at the Village at Leesburg for the first annual Northern Virginia Night of Lights. It was such an incredible way to celebrate the first night of Chanukah!  Rabbi Amy of BCRC provided  welcoming comments, culminating in the lighting of...Read more...

Rabbi Amy's High Holy Day Sermons

10/08/2022 09:04:38 AM


Seth Leventhal

Rabbi Amy's sermons for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur dealt with topics of high interest today: Reproductive rights and increased polarization. She provided a thought-provoking exploration into what Judaism teaches us about those issues. Many of you have asked for copies of the text of those sermons so we have provided them here for you:

Rosh Hashanah - Judaism is Pro-Choice Yom Kippur - Polarization Read more...

Official Notice: Rabbi contract renewal

08/16/2022 08:05:36 PM


Dear Congregants,

Those of you who are longtime members of BCRC may scarcely believe it, but the time has come once again to discuss renewing BCRC’Read more...

Developments from the Annual Meeting

07/06/2022 08:22:16 PM


David Waldman, BCRC President

Several items of business dispensed with at the Annual Congregational Meeting, held on June 22nd, were significant enough that I anticipate many members will have questions about them. I hope I can answer many of them here, but as always, we welcome further questions and comments, in case you don't find the answers you're looking for in this and subsequent posts.

At the top of the list of changes is the 10% dues increase (our first...Read more...

BCRC's First Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class

06/26/2022 12:20:55 PM


Seth Leventhal

After a year of intense Hebrew studying, many hours of tutoring sessions and even more studying and preparation both on their own and with the guidance of Rabbi Amy, our first adult b'nai mitzvah class took part in two b'nai mitzvah Shabbat services on June 18 and 25. Mazel Tov to all for a job well done!

Pictured here is the June 18 class. From left: Stephanie Glasser, Claudia Raffman, Connie Franck, Chris Franck,...Read more...

Zoom links for Annual Congregational Meeting, BCRC June Board Meeting

06/20/2022 07:03:04 PM


The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom again this year. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 22, from 7:30-8:30 pm.

Sound, Silence and Shavuot

06/11/2022 07:26:06 AM


Michael Fruitman

Last Saturday evening, some 30 BCRCers participated in an innovative program as we welcomed Shavuot by getting in touch with our souls through sound and silence. After a delicious potluck dinner and text study by Rabbi Amy about silence at Mt. Sinai, we celebrated with a Havdalah service sung by Sue Mandel Giblin to welcome Shavuot. Afterwards, we tried a fascinating art activity led by Stacy Kafka.

We then reassembled around two...

BCRC Annual Congregational Meeting: Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 7:30 PM

06/02/2022 04:43:22 PM


David Waldman

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom again this year. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 22, from 7:30-8:30 pm.

In addition, a meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on the same date, Wednesday, June 22, from 7:00-7:30 pm, and resuming for an additional half hour immediately following the conclusion of the annual meeting.

A link will be sent out to all congregants prior to the...Read more...

BCRC Visit to Mormon Temple

04/23/2022 10:03:51 AM


Seth Leventhal

After undergoing a major renovation during the pandemic shutdown, the Washington DC Mormon Temple, which you've all seen towering over the Outer Loop of the Beltway in Maryland, is reeopening. But before it reopens, it will be open for public visitation for the first...Read more...

Medieval Synagogues of Spain

02/01/2022 10:56:54 AM


Seth Leventhal

Our son Ben and his husband Julian visited the 3 remaining medieval synagogues of Spain. In Toledo, two of the eleven medieval synagogues are still standing. The Ibn Shoshen Synagogue (left), built in 1180, was built in an architectural style influenced by the...Read more...

New Chairs are on Their Way

01/12/2022 10:28:18 AM


Seth Leventhal

Thanks to all of your donations and our anonymous contributor who matched your donations (plus some!), our new chairs are on their way. They will provide our sanctuary with a significant upgrade that matches our master plan, not to mention improved comfort, with their upgraded...Read more...

Annual Security Fee - Important Note About Dues for 2021-22

06/25/2021 08:28:53 AM


Seth Leventhal

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Congregational Meeting last Wednesday evening, June 23rd! At this meeting the budget for the upcoming year was approved.  Thanks to the continued generosity of our members, we will not need to raise the dues rates for this year. However, there is one important area you need to be aware of. 

As you are all undoubtably aware, our nation has faced continuing threats of attacks on...Read more...

ADAMS-BCRC Vaccine Clinic

05/20/2021 07:33:21 AM


Seth Leventhal

About 700 people received their second doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Sunday at the clinic jointly sponsored by ADAMS and BCRC. Thanks to the many volunteers who helped make this clinic a success, and to those of you who received the vaccine, including Jen Romps, Karl Boehm, Carolyn Angioli, Dianne Andruzzi, Sie Bradley, Bethany Freed, Jackie and Seth Leventhal, and Brian and Jonah Giblin. Thank you also to the...Read more...

Tree of Life and Ner Tamid Dedications

05/14/2021 07:38:20 AM


Seth Leventhal

On May 9, BCRC held a dedication of a Tree of Life Leaf in memory of Leslie Skaer, donated by the BCRC Board of Directors, immediately followed by the dedication of the Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) donated by Julia and Gabe...Read more...

BCRC-ADAMS Vaccine Clinic a Success!Volunteers Needed for Second Dose 5/9

04/16/2021 10:45:03 AM


Lisa Zimmerman, Temple Administrator


Purim at BCRC

03/12/2021 09:34:35 AM


Seth Leventhal

Purim at BCRC was a blast! Even though we couldn't get together physically, we were able to gather spiritually through our online Megillah reading and Purim Shpiel and Sunday bingo! Thanks to Rabbi Amy, Lisa Zimmerman, and the many volunteers who made it all possible. Did you miss our fabulous shpiel directed by Zachary Schneider and featuring numerous member families, or just want to see it again? Click here to access it on YouTube....Read more...

Rabbi Amy's Comments on New School Calendar

11/23/2020 08:03:21 AM


Seth Leventhal

Rabbi Amy's comments on the Loudoun County School District's alternative proposals  for a calendar change for the 2021-2022 academic year that incorporates additional holidays that reflect the diversity of the LCPS community. Click here to see the comments, which we have reprinted here for your information: 

I would like to respond to the assertion, expressed in these pages, that Option A of the 2021-2022...Read more...

Blast now Accepting Advertising

11/19/2020 11:20:00 AM


Seth Leventhal

Attention BCRC members looking to advertise a product or service of interest to the congregation: The Blast is now accepting advertising. For a 'chai' contribution of $18 for one week, or $54 for 4 weeks (one free week), we will run a text advertisement (no more than 4 sentences in length). A thumbnail size picture can be added for an additional $18 (one time cost for up to 4 weeks). For the picture, please provide a jpg, gif or png...Read more...

New Security Improvements at BCRC

10/28/2020 07:37:53 AM


Seth Leventhal

Next time you visit BCRC, you will see the latest security improvements which will help to protect our building against any potential threat. Pictured here are our new security rated doors. While they present a welcoming appearance that is consistent with our new...Read more...

President's Kol Nidre Address

10/01/2020 08:23:00 AM


Seth Leventhal

We've had requests for my Kol Nidre address, which is provided here. I discussed the progress our temple has made over the past 3 years, how we have addressed the Coronavirus crisis, and kicked off our 2020 fundraising drive. We will be tracking our progress in meeting our $50K goal withe the fundraising thermometer - watch for it! Click here to donate now.


Rabbi Amy's High Holy Days Sermons

09/30/2020 07:36:10 AM


Rabbi Amy Sapowith

We have had numerous requests for the texts of Rabbi Amy's High Holy Days sermons. We are providing them here (minus the interactive polls).

Rosh Hashsanah - Free Speech vs. Hate Speech Yom Kippur - The Empathy Deficit Read more...
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785