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Membership Rates & Benefits

Join us!  Enjoy the benefits of membership!

Please visit us as many times and take as long as you'd like to get to know our community before deciding whether it is for you.  We welcome visitors at services, classes, meals and most synagogue events.  We encourage you, however, to “jump in the water” and become a member of BCRC.  Here are some of the benefits of membership:

• High Holy Day Tickets
• Religious School Education*
• Bar/Bat Mitzvah Education and Celebration*
• Confirmation and Post-Confirmation Classes*
• Youth Groups
• Adult Learning Programs
• Clergy at Life Cycle Events (wedding and commitment ceremonies, baby namings, funerals)
• Pastoral Counseling
• Caring in Times of Need
• Newsletters and Other Mailings
• Preferred Rates for Facilities Rentals
• Membership in Brotherhood, Sisterhood and chavurahs


​* Additional Tuition Applies (see Religious School).

We have numerous membership categories and pricing plans. Click here to check them out and you are sure to find one that fits your needs. 

Dues Adjustment may be obtained by for those with economic needs. We also offer significant dues credits for teaching Sunday School!  To inquire about open positions, please contact our VP of Education.

Click here to access membership forms and join BCRC!
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784