Alta Open Entry Control
Using Alta Open (formerly OpenPath), you will enter the temple using a secure access control system that will authenticate the identity of anyone entering the building at appropriate times through a phone-based (IOS or Android) app. Access will be contactless, requiring only that you wave a hand in front of the reader.
The phone based app is more secure than traditional cards or fobs, since they are less easily hacked, lost or stolen. For those unable to use the app, a keycard is available as an alternative.
Here’s a few tips about setup:
The Alta Open mobile app is available in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
- If presented with the option, DO NOT ask Alta Open to send you a setup email. You will receive an email from our office with a dedicated link to your account so this step is not needed. If you do not receive one, email
Enable Bluetooth on your device and allow Alta Open to use Bluetooth.
- How to Enable Bluetooth on Your Phone (iPhone/iOS)
- How to enable Bluetooth on your device and allow Alta Open to use Bluetooth (Android)
Set location permission to Allow While Using App. To do this go to ‘settings’ on your phone, scroll down to Alta Open, and select ‘always’ for location.
Openpath Procedures
1) Each member will be assigned to a group or set of groups that corresponds with their role(s), with each group having specific authorized hours of entry. These groups are:
- Congregants – Includes all full members age 13 and older (may enter with credentials 6:30-9 PM Fridays, Saturday mornings when services are held and for other scheduled temple events)
- Religious School Community – Includes teachers, parents and students age 13 and over (added hours of 8:30-1:30 Sundays)
- Tutors (added hours of 9 AM – 10 PM daily)
- Service Leaders (including cantorial soloists), staff and Board members have all hours access.
2) To enter the temple, you should have your device with you but it may remain in your pocket – you do not need to open the app. All you need to do is wave your hand directly in front of the transponder as shown until the circle lights and you hear the door unlock.
3) To ensure building security, DO NOT let unfamiliar people ‘piggyback’ on your entry. Those persons should use the video doorbell (pictured below) to request authorization to enter.
4) If you need to enter during a time not covered by your schedule, the credentials WILL NOT allow entry – you should instead use the video doorbell if there will be someone in the building to let you in, or email to arrange for one-time electronic access in advance.
5) You should be aware that we have a critical SECOND LAYER of security which is our alarm system, activated whenever nobody will be present in the building. When armed, the alarm system detects anyone entering the building and calls the sheriff’s office to respond. Unless you have been issued a code for the alarm system you will be unable to disarm it so you must avoid being the first person into the building. This is very important because the temple will be billed by the sheriff’s office for false alarms.
Arming Hours:
- During business hours most weekdays the Montessori school will be in session so the alarm will not be armed.
- After 6 PM Mon-Thurs please do not enter the building if you do not have an alarm system code unless you know someone has entered before you to disarm the alarm.
- Friday evening through Sunday a sign will be placed in the door telling you when you may enter safely if you do not have an alarm code – avoid entering first if you don’t see the sign.
Openpath Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips if you've had any problem with the system:
- Make sure location services is set to "always" in your settings. This double checks to make sure you are the person who owns the account, and wave to enter won't work without it.
- Check your Bluetooth to make sure it is on and connected to the Openpath transponder.
- If your mobile phone recently restarted, unlock your phone with your passcode.
Click HERE for more tips if you are having issues, or you can email our office at
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Sh'vat 5785
Join us for Services
We welcome anyone looking for a place to worship. In order to attend our weekly Shabbat Service, Guests must submit a Visitor Form prior to attending.
Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project
BCRC has launched the Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project, a new fundraising project to take the next step in implementing the BCRC Master Plan. Work is now complete on the first phase, with the construction of our new movable wall between the sanctuary/social hall. We are now working on designing and building a beautiful new carved wooden ark and a new permanent bimah! Click here to read full details. To donate to this project click here and select donate to Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project.
GMU Commended by JCRC
Recent antisemitic threats uncovered by security personnel at George Mason University illustrate how difficult and scary life still is for many Jewish college students. Fortunately, GMU administrators took strong steps to address these developments. The Jewish Community Resource Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington put out this statement commending GMU for their commitment to and compassion for Jewish members of their community.
Upcoming events
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
B'nei Mitzvah - Brian Zuckerman : 10:00am |
Tomorrow's Calendar
: 9:00am |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat B'shalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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The BCRC Blog
Women of BCRC Featured in Washington Jewish Week
Tuesday, Jan 7 8:59am'Jewish Loudoun Reads' Inaugural Event at BCRC
Sunday, Dec 22 7:50amLoudoun Interfaith Thanksgiving
Saturday, Nov 30 11:32am
Contact Us!
Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation
21740 Beaumeade Circle, Suite 100
Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 729-1659