BCRC Brotherhood
BCRC Brotherhood
Friendships are made here! BCRC Brotherhood is an organization that strengthens out Temple Community through acts. The Brotherhood is designed to build relationships, provide community programs, develop leadership, and most importantly support Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation. Service projects throughout the year include such things as sukkah building, grilling for the BCRC picnic (shown here) and others. If you need the Brotherhood's help, let us know!
Social programs planned throughout the year will include both adult activities and all ages family events. Below are some pictures from our 4th of July family outing to the Loudoun United soccer game and the blacksmith experience. Click here for a photo album from the blacksmith experience, where our members bonded while producing steel knives! Please email brotherhood@bcrcva.org for information and to get on the secure What's App chat list.
Saturday, February 22, 6-10 pm
Fechter residence, Aldie (address sent upon registration)
Bourbon and BBQ is back! Join in an evening of food, drink, and fellowship. This BCRC Brotherhood-sponsored event features an evening of bespoke whiskey tastings paired with BBQ and vegetarian dinner. Full Experience tickets (BBQ and tasting) are $50; BBQ social (no tasting) tickets are $25. Click HERE to register by 2/14/2025. Please send questions/inquiries to brotherhood@bcrcva.org.
Sign up NOW - space is limited and spots are filling up fast!
2024-25 Schedule
Monthly meetings (Thursday evening, 8 PM unless otherwise noted):
10/24 Alamo Drafthouse One Loudoun (Glass Half Full Taproom)
11/21 Solace Brewery Sterling
12/19 Nomad Middleburg
1/23 Ocelot Brewery Dulles
2/20 Leesburg (location TBD)
3/20 Honor Brewing Sterling
4/24 Alamo Drafthouse One Loudoun (Glass Half Full Taproom)
5/22 Ohso Cellars Brambleton
Social Events (More to be announced)
Old Ox Brewery Ashburn cornhole (2nd Sunday each month)
10/13 - Sukkah building (open to all)
11/17 - Ax throwing at Axes and Os
Dec date TBD - Adult (not x rated) movie night
Jan date TBD - Poker night
2/22 - Bourbon and BBQ
3/23 - Paintball
5/18 - Family hike
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Sh'vat 5785
Join us for Services
We welcome anyone looking for a place to worship. In order to attend our weekly Shabbat Service, Guests must submit a Visitor Form prior to attending.
Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project
BCRC has launched the Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project, a new fundraising project to take the next step in implementing the BCRC Master Plan. Work is now complete on the first phase, with the construction of our new movable wall between the sanctuary/social hall. We are now working on designing and building a beautiful new carved wooden ark and a new permanent bimah! Click here to read full details. To donate to this project click here and select donate to Sanctuary & Social Renewal Project.
GMU Commended by JCRC
Recent antisemitic threats uncovered by security personnel at George Mason University illustrate how difficult and scary life still is for many Jewish college students. Fortunately, GMU administrators took strong steps to address these developments. The Jewish Community Resource Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington put out this statement commending GMU for their commitment to and compassion for Jewish members of their community.
Upcoming events
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
B'nei Mitzvah - Brian Zuckerman : 10:00am |
Tomorrow's Calendar
: 9:00am |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat B'shalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
Visit Our Facebook Page
Click here to visit BCRC on Facebook and 'Like' our page to follow us.
The BCRC Blog
Women of BCRC Featured in Washington Jewish Week
Tuesday, Jan 7 8:59am'Jewish Loudoun Reads' Inaugural Event at BCRC
Sunday, Dec 22 7:50amLoudoun Interfaith Thanksgiving
Saturday, Nov 30 11:32am
Contact Us!
Beth Chaverim Reform Congregation
21740 Beaumeade Circle, Suite 100
Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 729-1659