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Class Times and Tuition


Pre-K/K (9-11 am) - $293

1st – 3nd Grades (9-11 am) - $586

4rd – 7th Grades (9-12 pm) - $796*

Pre-Confirmation (8th & 9th Grade) and Confirmation (10th Grade) (11-1 pm) - $586

* Note: B'nai Mitzvah fees are separate from Religious School fees.  Please consult the B'nai Mitzvah Handbook for more information.


Class Service Schedule

Each of our grades is given the opportunity once per year to lead a Shabbat service.  This may include leading the congregation in song and/or reading certain prayers.  The class often will organize a special Oneg Shabbat or dinner for the families of the students. 

Rehearsals for the service typically are held the Sunday before the service during Religious School, and also during the hour before the service starts - please check our Religious School Calendar for your child's rehearsal schedule. 

If you have questions please contact either the Administration's office or Rabbi Amy Sapowith. 

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784