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Holidays at BCRC

At BCRC we have our own way of celebrating the Jewish holidays! Several are featured below. Click here for a calendar of holidays.


Sukkot, a Hebrew word meaning "booths" or "huts," is marked by several distinct traditions including the building of a sukkah, a booth or hut. Sukkot at Beth Chaverim is a joyous occasion!  Our Brotherhood builds our own great sukkah in our playground area in the back of the synagogue.  Our religious school children are invited to decorate the sukkah with paper cutouts and chains, popcorn ornaments, and live fruit and vegetables.  All of our services as well as numerous youth and social activities during Sukkot are held under the sukkah! 

Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah, Hebrew for "rejoicing in the Law", celebrates the completion of the annual reading of the Torah. At BCRC, Torah scrolls are taken from the ark and carried or danced around the synagogue seven times, then unscrolled for the reading of the concluding section of Deuteronomy and the opening section of Genesis, or B'reishit as it is called in Hebrew. Here are some pictures of our festivities.



Chanukah commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Syrian Greeks in 164 BCE, and is celebrated by lighting a hanukkiah (or menorah) for eight days, eating latkes, and playing dreidel.  At Beth Chaverim, we follow several traditions developed over the years.  Our annual Chanukah party features latke contests, live music and games.  During Shabbat, we ask our congregants to bring their own Hanukkiahs for a congregational candle lighting.

Tu BiSh'vat

Tu BiSh'vat or the "New Year of the Trees" is the Jewish Arbor Day. In the 17th century, Kabbalists created a ritual for Tu BiSh'vat that is similar to a Passover seder. The holiday also has become a tree-planting festival in Israel, in which Israelis and Jews around the world plant trees in honor or in memory of loved ones and friends. At BCRC, we hold a joyous TuBiSh’vat seder celebrating the relationship between humans and the earth, and featuring the many fruits and nuts of Israel.


Purim is celebrated by the reading of the Scroll of Esther, known in Hebrew as the Megillat Esther, which relates the basic story of Purim. At BCRC, we take Purim very seriously - seriously fun!  Our celebration includes an annual Purim Carnival for the kids filled with games, food, a Purim Schpiel (play), silent auction, and the reading of the megillah.  Our older Youth Groups help to plan and run the Carnival games, which are an important fundraiser for youth activities.  We also have an "adult" Purim service, at which our many aspiring Broadway stars take center stage in full costume to act out a holiday-themed schpiel!


Passover commemorates the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt over 3,000 years ago. The ritual observance of this holiday centers around a special home service called the seder (meaning "order") and a festive meal; the prohibition of chametz (leavened food); and the eating of matzah (an unleavened bread). At Beth Chaverim, we celebrate Passover as a congregation with a lively community seder.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785